Welcome to the website of the Watershed Sustainability Lab


Based in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of South Florida, we are a group of engineers and scientists interested in solving water management problems requiring interdisciplinary knowledge on linkages between the hydrological cycle, ecosystems, and society.

The intent of this website is to provide a taste for the type of research we are dedicated to.


Research Questions:

  • How do we sustainably manage and develop river basins in the tropics and subtropics?

  • How do we integrate hydrology with human, energy, and natural systems?

  • How do we design river flows for society's well-being and ecological restoration?

  • What are the effects of water infrastructure on surrounding coastal and freshwater ecosystems?

  • What is the effect of watershed uncertainties on operations of water systems?

  • How do hydrological uncertainties and operations affect river flows, nutrients, and plastics?